
Local Archived News   August '11  

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      United Way of Union County announces “Operation Richwood”

      Ohio State Bank to leave Richwood

      Are you going to The Richwood Fair?

      Suspects arrested in suspicious fire

      American Red Cross Bloodmobile visits Richwood


      Council will study finances for water, sewer and park

      Richwood Independent Fair set for Aug. 31 - Sept. 5

      Residents recognized for their conservation ethics

      Veterans needed for fair opening


      School district celebrates “Excellent” rating

      Get ready for The Richwood Independent Fair!

      Programs offers safety lessons for public

      Balloon Fest takes shape


      Former resident helps inmates to become productive citizens

      Village council discusses condition of Marriott Street

      NU grad rides in Pelotonia event

      Grand Jury hands down indictment

      Up, up and away at the  All Ohio Balloon Festival

      Residents warned about door-to-door scam


      Local residents survive carriage accident in New York City

      Visitors enjoy variety of events at farm show

      Sheriff joins CrimeReports.com

      Crash sends deputies onto counterfeit money

      Hey, let’s have a beach party!


United Way of Union County announces “Operation Richwood”
United Way of Union County helps support many resources for those living within the county. They look for areas with great need. This year, they are announcing “Operation Richwood.”

Ohio State Bank to leave Richwood
The Ohio State Bank branch, located at 24 W. Ottawa St. in Richwood, will close its doors Wednesday, Sept. 7, according to President and CEO Shawn P. Keller.

Are you going to The Richwood Fair?
A dictionary describes the word “fair” (when used as a noun), as a gathering of stalls and amusements for public entertainment. The term is also described as an agricultural fair, a competitive exhibition of livestock, agricultural products and household skills held annually by a town, county, or state and features entertainment and educational displays.

Suspects arrested in suspicious fire
Two men were arrested Monday, Aug. 22 for setting an abandoned house at 32619 West Mansfield-Mt. Victory Road.

American Red Cross Bloodmobile visits Richwood
The Richwood First United Methodist Church hosted a bloodmobile on Monday, August 15 and collected 39 productive units.

Council will study finances for water, sewer and park
Members of village council will be analyzing the costs for the water, sewer and park budgets. With increasing operating costs for the water and sewer departments, the Regulatory Committee will weigh their options before increasing rates to keep up with their increased costs. One consideration was to raise rates at a percentage for the next five years. More  information is needed before the committee makes any decisions.

Richwood Independent Fair set for Aug. 31 - Sept. 5
The 2011 Richwood Independent Fair is set to begin next week.
Starting Wednesday, Aug. 31 and running through Monday, Sept. 5, the Richwood Fair will have something to offer everyone in the family.

Residents recognized for their conservation ethics
Special recognition was given at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Union Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) on Wednesday, Aug. 10.

Veterans needed for fair opening
Veterans who served during peace and war and of any branch of the Armed Services, are invited to participate in the U.S. Flag raising at The Richwood Independent Fair opening ceremony on Wednesday, Aug. 31. Any veteran who is able to participate should meet at the flag pole, located near the Junior Fair Office and livestock arena by 6:45 a.m. You do not have to be a member of any veteran organization to attend.

School district celebrates “Excellent” rating
The North Union School District will start the upcoming school year on an excellent note.

Get ready for The Richwood Independent Fair!
From June 25 to October 6, people across the state are attending at least one of the 87 county fairs or The Ohio State Fair. But did you know that there are only seven independent fairs in Ohio, including The Richwood Fair?

Programs offers safety lessons for public
The Union County Sheriff’s Office along with several other county businesses will hold a safety expo for area residents this month.

Balloon Fest takes shape
The All Ohio Balloon Fest main attraction will bring 31 hot air balloons to the Union County Airport this week
Thirty-one balloonists will haul in various shapes and sizes for this year’s balloon fest on Friday and Saturday, Aug. 19 and 20.

Former resident helps inmates to become productive citizens
Thousands of prisoners are released from prison each year and many of them will be released without having completed some sort of transition program to help them become a functioning part of society.
A former Richwood resident and 1966 Richwood High School graduate, has created a program to help prison inmates get their lives back on track.

Village council discusses condition of Marriott Street
Richwood Village Council members are working with the Richwood Police Department and the Union County Sheriff’s Department to clean up a local street.

NU grad rides in Pelotonia event
Cancer. It’s a word that everyone hears about. It affects a person’s every day life, sometimes it destroys life. Hopefully, one day, research will help find a cure to rid us of that devastating word-Cancer.

Grand Jury hands down indictment
A Richwood man was recently indicted on several charges after breaking into a Richwood business through its roof.

Up, up and away at the  All Ohio Balloon Festival
Soon 31 hot air balloons will descend on the city of Marysville.
The 36th annual All Ohio Balloon Festival will be held Thursday and Friday, August 19 and 20 at the Union County Airport, 760 Clymer Road, and will feature old as well as new attractions.

Residents warned about door-to-door scam
North Union School Superintendent Rick Smith has received calls regarding college-age students going door-to-door. Their sale approach is to act like they have authority from the local school district or maybe The Ohio State University to bring you educational items.

Local residents survive carriage accident in New York City
Imagine planning a four-day whirlwind vacation in New York City. You want to visit China Town, the Statue of Liberty and see the sites, all in a short timeline.

Visitors enjoy variety of events at farm show
Temperatures were warm over the weekend, but that didn’t stop many from visiting the Mid Ohio Antique Farm Machinery Show at The Richwood Fairgrounds. Organizers were pleased with the support they received.

Sheriff joins CrimeReports.com
Union County residents will now be able to gain access to crime information on the internet.

Crash sends deputies onto counterfeit money
From J-T staff reports
The Union County Sheriff’s office released a press release last week regarding a crash on Cotton Slash Road. Investigators are working with members of the U.S. Secret Service that led them to recovery of counterfeit money as a result of the crash.

Hey, let’s have a beach party!
The Richwood Area Business Association (RABA)  is hosting a beach party at Richwood Lake, made possible by a United Way of Union County Youth Grant Fund.



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